As the only phosphorus-based fertilizer manufacturer in Romania, the Năvodari Chemical Fertilizer Company owns 10% of the internal fertilizer market and intends to expand its business to foreign markets as well. The Năvodari Chemical Fertilizer Company was built in 1956. After 1990, it went bankrupt and was decommissioned and left so for the next ten years. In 2002, after a few investments, the factory started to produce simple fertilizers. Later on, the factory entered a retrofitting plan. In 2010, following further investments, the factory began to manufacture complex chemical fertilizers. A new investment stage followed in 2016. For more details on the evolution of the fertilizer factory and on how the preferences of the Romanian agricultural farmers in the field of chemical fertilizers have changed in time are available here , based on be found here from the interviews given by Mrs. Cerasela Achim, commercial director of the Chemical Fertilizer Company Năvodari, and Mr. Marcello Lambrughi, sales manager at CICh Năvodari to RFI.
România are o balanţă comercială deficitară la capitolul îngrăşăminte chimice. Care sunt motivele şi cum a reuşit să rămână pe piaţă un combinat românesc de producţie de îngrăşăminte chimice. Discutăm despre aceste teme astăzi de la ora 19 şi 15 minute, la #Esenţial.Invitati: Cerasela Achim, director comercial Combinatul de Ingrasaminte Chimice SRL si Marcello Lambrughi, manager de vânzări CICh Năvodari
Publicată de RFI Romania pe Marţi, 26 iunie 2018