Chemical Composition:
Phosphorus (P2O5) | 25,50 % |
Potassium oxide (K2O5) | 17 % |
Potassium oxide Potassium oxide ( B) | 0,15 % |
EDTA-chelated copper Cu) | 0,15% |
EDTA-chelated iron Fe) | 0,3 % |
EDTA-chelated manganese (Mn) | 0,15% |
Soluble molybdenum ( Mo) | 0,015% |
EDTA-chelated zinc (Zn) | 0,15% |
Appearance | Green liquid |
Density at 20 °C | Approx. 1.37 kg/l |
Freezing point | -3°C |
Electric conductivity (0,1%) | 0,425 mS/cm |
pH (20 °C) | 4,5-5 |

Analysis method: according to Regulation 2003/2003.
- a liquid fertilizer with a high and balanced content phosphorus, potassium and soluble microelements content, with high mobility within the plant and specific biostimulation effect on metabolic processes;
- it favors and stimulates cell multiplication, prevents the negative impact of excessive amount of nitrogen in plants and balances vegetative and foliar growth;
- its components intervene in the synthesis process of chlorophyll, enzymes and proteins;
- it favors the absorption of other nutrients,
- it stimulates the plant’s natural mechanisms of defense against stress and / or unfavorable crop development situations;
- it stimulates the plant’s defense mechanism against pathogens and contributes to fruit ripening, increasing fruit color, taste and preservability.
Recommended application doses and methods:
Foliar applications in any crop, in a dose of 1.5-3 l/ha.
*Warnings and compatibilities: